google-site-verification: google0ad9acc5676340ad.html Jeff Rothkopf/Junkyard Jeff |
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Jeff Rothkopf is a Miami-based singer-songwriter who has been writing songs, screenplays, stage musicals and novels since he was six years old, and writing has remained in his blood throughout his lifetime.  Rummage Through The Junkyard -- both the album and the play -- represent two labors of love and creativity that he is extremely excited to share with you and the world!


His life journey has taken him down eclectic roads.  While he earned his doctorate in Psychology at University of Miami, he also...

*  Served as the co-editor-in-chief of The South Florida Screenwriters Guild’s newsletter.

*  Was the playwright, composer and lyricist for Sensations, an interactive comedy musical produced in Coconut Grove, FL.

*  Wrote a promotional half-hour comedic teleplay based on Adam Steinfeld’s book, Stupid Bar Tricks.

*  Was a finalist in America’s Best national writing competition for a speculative teleplay he wrote for Star Trek: The Next Generation.

*  Wrote the screenplay for the 2nd place winning film in the South Florida short films competition.  


From 2006 - 2018, while continuing to run and teach for his successful SAT/ACT preparation firm Higher Standards, he was also working on his Rummage Through The Junkyard album and was writing the fictional one-man musical about Junkyard Jeff that provides the framework for that album.


Over the next few years, he hopes to complete a stage musical entitled Cracked that will explore mental health and our perceptions of reality, a follow-up CD of more original music, and a fictional screenplay inspired by a real story that will touch upon issues of racial tolerance, grief and the bonds that tie all of us together.  He is also available to offer additional live performances of his Rummage Through The Junkyard musical.  


Junkyard Jeff has had to overcome betrayal, depression, homelessness and a near-fatal accident in order to, against all odds, manage to release this original CD.  If you would like to know his complete story, there are two ways to do so.  


(1) When you click on the “ABOUT” button at the top of this page and scroll down to “NEWS STORY”, you can read an article covering Jeff’s incredible tale.  


(2) To hear the story in more depth and from Junkyard Jeff’s perspective, click on the MUSIC link at the top of this page: this will take you to a page where you can preview and purchase every song on his album (as well as a single that will eventually appear on his second album).  If you click on the “Behind The Scenes” buttons that appear next to each song title, you will be able to read Junkyard Jeff’s backstory for each song; if you read these backstories sequentially from the first song of the album to the last, they will take you along on Jeff’s journey from his pre-junkyard days all the way through to today.

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